We will be giving our five webinars on different aspects of catalysis this summer. They will only be delivered once during the day, but don’t worry – if you sign up for the webinar, we will send you a link afterwards with the recording. Read more & sign up for the webinars by using the links below. First up is an introductory webinar on catalysis, followed by four special focus-area webinars on catalyst testing, catalyst manufacture, catalyst characterisation and catalyst deactivation. All webinars are 30-60 minutes long, and you can read more & sign up for the webinars by using the links below.
Our webinars will only be given once during the day, but don’t worry – if you sign up for the webinar, we will send you a link afterwards with the recording!
Catalysis Introduction
The webinar will start with an introduction to the basic concepts of catalysis. Thereafter the areas of heterogeneous as well as homogeneous catalysis will be covered, followed by a part on industrial heterogeneous catalysis including deactivation and production.
Date: August 5th 2019
Time: 9:00 AM
Sign up for the webinar here >>
Catalyst Testing
Do you know what you are measuring? To investigate heterogeneous catalysts for activity and selectivity is a difficult task. What is measured, how is it measured and are the experiments performed with gradients in the reactor? In the webinar we will review various ways of testing catalyst in different forms, sizes and reactor scales as well as freshen up on assessing testing gradients.
Date: August 7th 2019
Time: 9:00 AM or 9:00 PM CET
Sign up for the webinar here >>
Catalyst Manufacturing
In this webinar we will review the principles of heterogeneous catalyst manufacture. We will dive into the production of both bulk catalysts and impregnation of pre-shaped bodies. Included in the information will be types of unit operations and the influence of certain parameters on the final product.
Date: August 9th 2019
Time: 9:00 AM or 9:00 PM CET
Sign up for the webinar here >>
Catalyst Characterization
Some of the surface phenomena that are included in the concept of catalysis require special tools and methods of investigation. This webinar will give an overview of the most common ones and some practical examples
Date: August 13th 2019
Time: 9:00 AM or 9:00 PM CET
Sign up for the webinar here >>
Catalyst Deactivation
There is nothing as important to heterogeneous catalyst lifetime as understanding and counteracting deactivation as well as poisoning effects. In this webinar we will cover the main modes of deactivation, e.g. poisoning, fouling and sintering and their connection to catalyst life as well as how they may be amended.
Date: August 15th 2019
Time: 9:00 AM or 9:00 PM CET
Sign up for the webinar here >>
Do you have any questions you would like us to answer during the webinars? Send them to us at info@hulteberg.com. We hope to see as many of you as possible and if you have any other questions regarding the webinars please feel free to contacts us!
The presenter of the webinars will be associate professor Christian Hulteberg, founder and managing director of Hulteberg Chemistry & Engineering. Dr. Hulteberg has a strong background in chemical engineering in general and catalysis in particular. He is the chair of the Swedish catalyst association and an expert to the European Commission, within the IEA-HIA, and to the Norwegian research Council.