
SOFC balance-of-plant

Turning an SOFC stack into a system is a grand challenge! The stack aside, there is a need for a number of different balance-of-plant components, such as catalysts, adsorbents and heat exchangers. The selection of these and their performance have a significant impact on the system lifetime, cost and footprint. Together with our partner Heraeus…

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Want to discuss catalysts?!

Catalysts are our favourit topic! We alwyas welcome anyone to strike up a conversation with us on this matter any time. However, this summer, there are two perfect opportunities for doing so in person. If you are visiting the European Fuel Cell Forum (EFCF) in Luzern, we will be in our joint booth with our…

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Rewin pilot project

We are pleased to announce that our partner Rewin, where we have a minority share, has been awarded a project from the Swedish energy agency aiming at performing a pilot demonstration of a new technology for polyester recycling. You can find more information here.

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Meet us at EuropaCat! The Hulteberg team will be present at the EuropaCat Conference in Prague from the 27th of August to the 1st of September 2023. You will find us at booth n°18 where we will be more than happy to talk to you about our company and our ability in assisting you in…

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